Costs & Prices of Buying & Naming Stars

How much is it to buy or name a star? The answer is simple: The costs can vary depending on the quality of the star certificates which you want to have. You can name a star and get a cheap low-quality star certificate or pay more to get a beautiful high-quality star certificate.

What are the costs of buying a star?

If you want to name a star and stay within your budget then you have to (or should) compare the prices of different companies.

And of course, it always depends on what kind of gift you want to make. Do you need “just some gift” or do you want to gift something really beautiful?

Our prices are not the cheapest because we value quality. And you just can’t provide a high-quality star certificate for 10 GBP.

Can you get a star for a cheaper price?

We often have coupons or discounts available for specific occasions, like Valentine’s Day or Christmas.

Please visit our homepage and check if there’s a voucher available.

Other info:

Other sources:

Interstellarium: How much does it cost to name a star?

International Stellar Database: How much is it to buy a star?